Monday, October 30, 2006

One Week Old

She just turned 1 week old today. Last night was the best sleep so far!! yeah!!

Yesterday when the rains stopped and the sun came out we had Leiah's first walk around the block. It was still pretty cold so we just strolled with out stroller up to Mike and Eva's to say hello and then off to Mark and Kim's to see their new place.

I dont get it, we have known them for such a long time but they were more thrilled to see someone they hardly even know. As a matter of fact we have lots of visitors that only come to see Leiah - she's pretty popular.

Cami and i want to say thank you to everyone that has shared this journey with us. In the first 2 days of her birth we had over 140 congratulation emails - we were overwhlemed. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys are doing a GREAT job...the not sleeping part is the hardest I think because it's easier to function when your exciting to walk this journey with you. Keep up the good work...I hope your keeping a journal it will make a great book one day. The picture of her with her eyes wide open resting on Cami's shoulder is my favorite now.

Blessings diane

Anonymous said...

Hey there Pat and Cami
We just hesrd the wonderful news! we are so happy for you! We just wanted to extend our deepest and warmest congrats!!! Lots of love and blessings on our new family! We would love to meet her, she is very beautiful
Sarah, Jay and Rhyse Stewart

Anonymous said...

She's adorable! What a gift from God - praise His name!

Take care sweet family, and congratulations!

Karen, Perry, Sherilyn, and Mikey Moreton