Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas Eve Eve

I think we have finished shopping...yah!
The other day as we were shopping I had a great idea. Let's drive by IKEA and drop Leiah off at the ball room. I remember loving it when I was a kid. Did you know that kids have to be a certain height before they run around in there?!? They said she was too short. So I had to measure myself - she was.

so we took her home and gave her a bath

Merry Christmas everyone!!


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you Pat,Leiah and Cami...I was wondering when you would get her to Ikea that's awesome!! don't worry before you know it she will be past the line...bless you guys

Anonymous said...

We have the same problem when we go to IKEA too Leiah, so don't feel too bad. Evan finally just made it in, but the twins only get to watch despondently from the outside. It's so hard to be short!
Hope you had a wonderful first Christmas! We'll hope to see you all very soon.
Love from Beth and the boys