Thursday, October 26, 2006

We are home.

We got home on Wednesday, Oct 25th at 5:30pm. We were both exhausted but thrilled. Leiah slept the whole way home except for the backseat diaper change in Merrit.

Last night was our first night with baby. We took turns sleeping. We weren’t used to all of Leiah's night time sleep noises - sighs, squeaks, hiccups, gasps. Every time there was sound or motion we both peeked over the edge of our bed into the cradle. Then after the 1am feeding we decided that one would sleep deeply and the other sleep lightly while watching little Leiah.

She tends to sleep much better during the day.

We are in the process of figuring out the best systems for feeding, clothe changing, diaper changing and bathing (we had bathing because it makers her really cry) etc. I am on my way out the door to get more bottles...that way I only have to wash and sterilize once.


Anonymous said...

Good on you guys for surviving so far. I mean it! Your Wednesday post totally reminds me of my first few days with Mateo -- the weird night sounds, the bathing nightmare, buying extra bottles, all of it.

Just keep reminding yourselves: this is the single greatest thing we will ever do in our lifetimes. It won't help a lot, but maybe a little.

Anonymous said...

Hello, hello, hello!! New parents. Rick and I know what you mean about the sighs, squeaks and gasps. You'll get used to it. (well...we still keep checking) : ) We are so proud to be Leiah's Aunt and Uncle. We can't wait to meet her and Sophie is excited to have a cousin so close in age. In fact, she was born the day before Sophie's actual due date!

Please let us know what you need. I want to send some stuff up. We apologize for not commenting sooner. It's been rather hectic. Again, we are so happy, excited, elated, proud and ecstatic about Leiah!!! YEAH!!! Oh yeah, we are proud of Patick and Cami as well :) (Get used to it, parents blend in with the background.

Love you so much!
Shareen, Rick, Ewan and Sophie

Anonymous said...

Congratulation Pat and Cami!
Send pics of Leiah.
Always in our prayers,
Pete and Sygne

Anonymous said...

Glad you're home, sounds like you're adjusting well. Get used to the lack of sleep it will never stop until she moves out! I still sleep lightly until I know Luke is home safe and sound and he's 21!!!!Can't wait to meet her, let us know when you're ready for visitors (after family have met her of course). Much love, David and Joanne

Anonymous said...

She is adorable as are you two and all your 'doings'

Anonymous said...

I am so happy/excited/thrilled for both of you and join all the well-wishers in welcoming Leiah into the world and into your lives.

Sleepless nights, dirty diapers, fussing and all -- yet it's still so amazing and miraculous, isn't it?

Love, Jan