Saturday, December 16, 2006

Santa Lucia - Getting ready for celebrations

The celebration of Santa Lucia is a tradition that Swedes (and many others of course) have celebrated for years. I really don t know the significance except that it is an occasion for many of us Swedes to get together to eat and celebrate.

The day starts as daddy and Leiah get to sleep in a little. Cami put Leiah beside me and snapped a picture.

Leiah is all dressed up and ready to travel across town for the party

For this celebration, the oldest female child will have a crown of candles and lead the procession, followed by the girls, star boys and santa.

Notice how in the left side I stuck Leiah in there for the photo opportunity

Well the day is over and Leiah is all tuckered out.

1 comment:

3to1...outnumbered said...

I love the pictures of daddy and baby sleeping together. I remember pictures of my dad and I asleep and have many of Mark and our boys asleep. THey are just so cute.